Sagging thigh skin and the accumulation of excess body fat on your thighs can really diminish the beauty of your figure. What can make matters worse is when the features that surround your thighs begin to sag and accumulate fat as well. When the appearance of your buttocks and tummy begin to deteriorate along with your thighs, it can ruin the shape and beauty of your entire lower body.

At Gallery Plastic Surgery, we can provide your lower body with the comprehensive care it needs. Plastic surgeon Dr. Wendy Wong can provide you with a lower-body lift, a combination of a tummy tuck, thigh lift, and buttocks lift that can rejuvenate your entire lower body. The lower-body lift will restore the contours of your lower body to create an attractive and curvaceous figure.

During your initial consultation, Dr. Wong will listen intently as you describe the aesthetic issues you have with your lower body and your ideal results for your body lift. She can then create a surgical plan to address these issues. If you want personalized high-quality care, contact Gallery Plastic Surgery to schedule a consultation.