Plastic surgeon Dr. Wendy Wong has performed a multitude of facelifts over the course of her career, and that experience has provided her with valuable knowledge regarding the best way that clients can prepare for their procedure. One critical aspect that she has noted as having a significant impact on the results of the procedure is the quality of each patient’s skin.

Skin that is strong and healthy will typically provide better results, as it can be manipulated and repositioned with greater ease. Good skin also makes the healing process much easier and will allow post-surgical marks to heal properly.

Gallery Plastic Surgery also offers a variety of ZO skin products that are ideal for optimizing the skin for your facelift. Skin-resurfacing procedures like microneedling and chemical peels are just as beneficial for the process.

Make sure you take the necessary steps to prepare your skin for your facelift so that your results match your expectations. Dr. Wong can provide you with additional information regarding how to properly care for your skin. Contact us to schedule a consultation.